March 10, 2018 • Jessi Kerner

JK Adams Provides Center Stage for Two Great New Recipes

March 10, 2018 Jessi Kerner

We’re proud of our Royalton Collection walnut serving boards taking two star “supporting actor” turns as the accompanists to two delicious new recipes featured in Country Woman and Taste of Home magazines.

Slice of Comfort magazine cover.

Though it’s difficult to look beyond the mouth-watering Chocolate & Cherry Stromboli featured in the February-March issue of Taste of Home, that’s our equally eye-catching Royalton Walnut Oval Server providing the perfect stage for this potential new star of your dessert repertoire. And if you’re inspired to make your own Homemade Egg Bread as shown in the current issue of Country Woman, why not complete the picture as they did with our Royalton Walnut Server?  Each JK Adams serving board is made by skilled craftsmen in Vermont, and comes with our Lifetime Guarantee.

You can find the recipes here:

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